SG2000 Home Spa Hydrotherapy
Special Promotion. Clearance Stock.
FREE Acrylic Portable Bath Tub 46" Worth RM950
All New - Complete Set SG2000 from HQ Grand Sun
Package include
- SG2000 Ozonizer FIR Home Spa Machine
- 7 Moya Oils Aromatherapy and 3 Salts
- 4 Manual (In Bahasa) Cara2 penggunaan, Gambarajah dan Table Penyakit2
PERCUMA Portable Bath Tub 46" with head stand worth RM950
Upgrade to 55" just add RM100
FREE Delivery to All Semenanjung Malaysia
For quick and fast respond please call/sms/whatapp 012 3643643
Only 2 unit left. Normal Price is RM9000
First Come First Serve.
Call 012 3643643
(4 photos)All New - Complete Set SG2000 from HQ Grand Sun
Package include
- SG2000 Ozonizer FIR Home Spa Machine
- 7 Moya Oils Aromatherapy and 3 Salts
- 4 Manual (In Bahasa) Cara2 penggunaan, Gambarajah dan Table Penyakit2
PERCUMA Portable Bath Tub 46" with head stand worth RM950
Upgrade to 55" just add RM100
FREE Delivery to All Semenanjung Malaysia
For quick and fast respond please call/sms/whatapp 012 3643643
Only 2 unit left. Normal Price is RM9000
First Come First Serve.
Call 012 3643643
Real Photo can be seen at FB Page :
Promosi Tub Mandian SG2000
Kepada yang berminat mendapatkan bathtub SG2000. Direka khusus untuk mandian SG2000 Home Spa. Harga Promosi ini termasuk dengan penghantaran terus ke rumah anda.
Untuk pembelian, sila SMS atau hubungi 012 364 3643
Kami mempunyai stok tanpa had, Diskaun diberikan pada pembelian lebih dari satu unit.
Penghantaran PERCUMA! (Semenanjung)
Untuk pembelian, sila SMS atau hubungi 012 364 3643
Kami mempunyai stok tanpa had, Diskaun diberikan pada pembelian lebih dari satu unit.
Penghantaran PERCUMA! (Semenanjung)
Penghantaran terus ke rumah adalah percuma bagi seluruh kawasan di semenanjung Malaysia
Promosi Set Lengkap Mandian SG2000 Spa
Bayangkan anda memiliki spa sendiri di kediaman anda sendiri... segalanya mungkin dengan SG2000 Spa..
Selain mampu merawati pelbagai jenis penyakit, anda boleh rasai sendiri nikmat mandian HotSpring Bubble Bath di rumah anda... jika dibandingkan dengan kerusi urut yang mencecah harga 10k, mandian ini 10x lebih bagus kerana kesan nya dapat dirasai pada keseluruhan anggota badan dari luaran hingga la dalaman. Hanya mereka yang telah mencuba sendiri mandian ini sahaja yang boleh mengesahkannya.
Tawaran Terhebat: Complete Set SG2000 Spa Machine, 7 Moya Essential Oils , 3 Moya Natural Salts with Portable Bath Tub (Boleh muat dalam bilik air bersaiz apartment) beserta Buku panduan dan maklumat lengkap Mandian Medic-Spa pada Harga yang Menakjubkan. Termasuk Penghantaran terus ke Rumah anda ke Seluruh Malaysia.
Harga Biasa: RM9000
Harga Promosi: RM7500.00
Sila hubungi atau SMS ke 012 3643643 untuk maklumat lanjut
July Promotion
Beli mesin sg2000 percuma pprtable bath tub. Sementara stok masih ada
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Senarai Penyakit-Penyakit yang Mampu Dirawati Dengan HidroTerapi. InsyaAllah
1 Kegemukan (Obesiti) - Setiap mandian mampu membakar kalori dan lemak dalam badan
2 Elephantiasis (Penyakit Kaki Gajah / Untut)
3 Sciatica (Sakit Pinggang)
4 Sakit Perut
5 Sembelit
6 Gangguan Jantung & Lambung
7 Menunrunnya Fungsi Rusuk, Peradangan dan Nyeri Peru
8 Alergi Makanan
9 Sengal Tulang
10 Sesak Nafas
11 Asma
12 Insomnia (Susah Tidur)
13 Cirit Birit
14 Kejang Otot
15 Kencing Manis
16 Gangguan Pundi Empedu dan Hati
17 Menggigil Tanpa Demam
18 Kencing Malam
19 Tonsil
20 Gatal-Gatal (Harsh)
21 Radang Usus Besar
22 Tekanan Jiwa yang Berat (Stress)
23 Gangguan Pundi Empedu
24 Pusingan Haid Tidak Teratur
25 Ginjal
26 Tekanan Darah Tinggi
27 Sakit-sakit Lutut
28 Sakit-sakit Di Kaki
29 Sakit Di Sekitar Tulang Belakang
30 Gangguan Jiwa
31 Lumpuh kerana Penyumbatan Pembuluh Darah Otak (Strok)
32 Encok (Gout)
33 Rematoid
34 Luka, Bisul Di Betis dan Punggung serta Gatal-gatal
35 Menurunnya Daya Tahan Tubuh
36 Sinus
37 Sakit Di Daerah Perut
38 Gangguan Rusuk dan Penyakit Kulit Rusuk
39 Buasir
40 Penyakit Jantung
41 Mandul
42 Terlalu Banyak Tidur
43 Sakit Kepala Sebelah (Migrain)
44 Memperbaiki Peredaran Darah
45 Pembuluh Darah Sempit dan Sumbat
46 Sakit Punggung
47 Sakit Bahu dan Tengkuk
48 Sakit Bahu
49 Badan Kurus
50 Untuk Membantu Meninggalkan Merokok
51 Kurang Dengar, Radang dan Bengkak Telinga
52 Jangkitan Kuman
53 Melancarkan Perjalanan Darah
54 Menurunnya Aliran Darah
55 Tingkatkan Daya Ingatan
56 Tingkatkan Konsentrasi
57 Fistula Ani
58 Sakit Pinggang
59 Sakit Punggung
60 Gangguan Pundi Kemih
61 Kaki Kesemutan
62 Tangan Kesemutan
63 Salah Urat
64 Lumpuh Menyeluruh
65 Pening Kerana Gangguan Perut @ Sembelit
66 Gangguan Pada Prostat dan Lemah Syahwat
67 Pening Kerana Gangguan Tulang Belakang atau Gangguan Pada Empedu dan Hati
68 Pening Pada Waktu Haid Bagi Wanita
69 Rasa Sakit Di Bahagian Paha dan Telapak Kaki
70 Dingin Di Telapak Kaki
71 Nervous (Tegang / Gelisah)
72 Tumor Otak
73 Penebalan dan Pengerasan Telapak Kaki
74 Lutut yang Kaku
75 Gangguan Pankreas
76 Kejang-kejang
77 Tidak Boleh Bercakap
78 Penyakit Mata
79 Lemahnya Fungsi Sel-sel Otak
80 Berhenti Haid
81 Pembekakan Testis
82 Tekanan Darah Rendah
83 Berbagai Penyakit Rahim
84 Keluarnya Cairan Vagina Tanpa Bau, Warna dan Tanpa Rasa Gatal
85 Keluarnya Cairan Vagina
86 Peradangan Saraf Trigeminus (44) dan Facialis (45)
87 Untuk Meningkatkan Prodcuktiviti Indung Telur (Kesuburan)
88 Pusing Kerana Mata Lelah
89 Batuk Kronik dan Penyakit-penyakit Paru-Paru
90 Sakit Kepala Pening Kerana Tekanan Darah Tinggi
91 Sakit Kepala Kerana Radang Di Sekitar Rongga Hidung
92 Pening Kerana Anemia
93 Pening Kerana Influenza
94 Semua Jenis Kanser
Kebaikan Mandian SPA SG2000
1. Haba dalaman: Mengeluarkan Gelombang Ultrasonic yang kuat bagi membantu merehatkan seluruh badan, melancarkan peredaran darah, meningkatkan metabolisme, menangani masalah sendi dan menghilangkan keletihan.
2. Urutan seluruh badan: mengurut 320 titik utama akupunktur seluruh tubuh. 5 minit mandian setara dengan 1 jam urutan profesional. Gelombang supersonik memberi anda lebihkurang 1127 urutan per saat seluruh tubuh.
3. Pembersihan mendalam: Gelombang Ultrasonic membersihkan liang-liang roma kulit tanpa penggunaan sabun. Mengeluarkan buih udara yang mengandungi 1,000,000 O3 setiap saat, seterusnya meningkatkan kualiti air dan udara didalam bilik air.
4. Kesan Senaman: 15 minit mandian menyamai larian/jogging sejauh 3.5km. Bersenam sambil menikmati kesantaian SPA. Inilah mesin untuk orang sibuk atau yang malas bersenam atau yang kurang upaya.
5. Mengurus badan, kecantikan dan bentuk badan: Kulit menjadi lebih mantap dan licin. Selepas menggunakan SG-2000 selama 15 minit badan anda membakar 200 hingga 300 kalori. satu kaedah untuk mendapat kulit yang lebih berseri dan tubuh langsing.
6. Aromatherapy: Menggunakan herba dan aroma seperti minyak lavender, rosemary, pine, camomile, juniper, eucalyptus dan hayseed serta garam bukit beraroma seaweed, lemon dan melissa.
Soalan dari Mr Robert, Manager Spa sebelum mengambil keputusan membeli 6 buah mesin SG2000 di Spa beliau.
Q: What good can this home spa do your health-being ?
Based on the research conducted in Japan, 15 minutes in an ultrasonic massage baths ( ultrasonic home spa ) can do your body 5 benefits:
1) Internal warming; 2) whole body massage; 3) deep cleansing; 4) exercise & leisure; 5) whitening & slimming.
Internal Warming
As tested by J.P. Industry University, the absorption of ultrasonic is 13% in bone, 3.3% in muscle and 0.0022% in water. Our body is comprised of 66% water, therefore can be penetrated and warmed up rapidly. Just like boiling egg in a hot spring, the yolk cooks faster than the egg white. With 38*C ultrasonic bath, the heat of ultrasonic reach the bone in approx.10 minutes and expand outwardly where else bathing in water temperature of 42*C will take 90 minutes to reach the bone. (Long hour in high temperature may be harmful). Immersion in ultrasonic bath quickly heats up the body from within, increasing metabolic rate like a bath in a natural hot spring. Can help blood vessel expansion, enhance blood circulation, hematopoiesis and resistance against diseases. This form of hydrotherapy promotes the normal secretion of hormones, strengthens the function of reproductive organs and improves the quality of family life.
Whole Body Massage
Hundred thousands of small energy bubbles press and stimulate the whole body every second massaging 320 acupoints across the body. Relieves tension and fatigue, relaxes and balances, massages the backbone and encourages the production of red blood cell, white blood cells, etc., just like to have "hydro acupuncture". Internal organs are stimulated, blood and lymph circulation are facilitated and muscles are relaxed. Giving a full body massage, this treatment burns fat, eliminates flabby tissue, improves the bust line, shapes the body and fills the user with confidence.
Deep Cleansing
Powerful bubbles clean 1.5 million capillaries in the skin, bringing intense nourishment. Allows skin tissues to breathe better. Body generates 0.05 sq m of dirt every day. SG-2000 home spa takes about 5 min to loosen grease and 1 week of continuous use will complete the whole cleansing process.
Exercise & Leisure
Ultrasonic bath produce 10,000~15,000 micro-tremors per second (1.5kg/cm2 on the skin), has the effect of a complete body workout. Experts believe that the effect of 15 minutes of ultrasonic bath is equivalent to 3 to 5 km run. Provides effective passive exercise. It doubles up as a spa for a lazy man’s exercise machine.
Whitening and Slimming
Removes dead skin cells and ozone kills germs and whitens skin. Every min. a million bubbles provide beauty treatment of slimming professional standard for every inch of your skin. After using for 15 min. 300-500 calories were burnt – an effortless way to have fairer complexion and slimmer body.
2. Urutan seluruh badan: mengurut 320 titik utama akupunktur seluruh tubuh. 5 minit mandian setara dengan 1 jam urutan profesional. Gelombang supersonik memberi anda lebihkurang 1127 urutan per saat seluruh tubuh.
3. Pembersihan mendalam: Gelombang Ultrasonic membersihkan liang-liang roma kulit tanpa penggunaan sabun. Mengeluarkan buih udara yang mengandungi 1,000,000 O3 setiap saat, seterusnya meningkatkan kualiti air dan udara didalam bilik air.
4. Kesan Senaman: 15 minit mandian menyamai larian/jogging sejauh 3.5km. Bersenam sambil menikmati kesantaian SPA. Inilah mesin untuk orang sibuk atau yang malas bersenam atau yang kurang upaya.
5. Mengurus badan, kecantikan dan bentuk badan: Kulit menjadi lebih mantap dan licin. Selepas menggunakan SG-2000 selama 15 minit badan anda membakar 200 hingga 300 kalori. satu kaedah untuk mendapat kulit yang lebih berseri dan tubuh langsing.
6. Aromatherapy: Menggunakan herba dan aroma seperti minyak lavender, rosemary, pine, camomile, juniper, eucalyptus dan hayseed serta garam bukit beraroma seaweed, lemon dan melissa.
Soalan dari Mr Robert, Manager Spa sebelum mengambil keputusan membeli 6 buah mesin SG2000 di Spa beliau.
Q: What good can this home spa do your health-being ?
Based on the research conducted in Japan, 15 minutes in an ultrasonic massage baths ( ultrasonic home spa ) can do your body 5 benefits:
1) Internal warming; 2) whole body massage; 3) deep cleansing; 4) exercise & leisure; 5) whitening & slimming.
Internal Warming
As tested by J.P. Industry University, the absorption of ultrasonic is 13% in bone, 3.3% in muscle and 0.0022% in water. Our body is comprised of 66% water, therefore can be penetrated and warmed up rapidly. Just like boiling egg in a hot spring, the yolk cooks faster than the egg white. With 38*C ultrasonic bath, the heat of ultrasonic reach the bone in approx.10 minutes and expand outwardly where else bathing in water temperature of 42*C will take 90 minutes to reach the bone. (Long hour in high temperature may be harmful). Immersion in ultrasonic bath quickly heats up the body from within, increasing metabolic rate like a bath in a natural hot spring. Can help blood vessel expansion, enhance blood circulation, hematopoiesis and resistance against diseases. This form of hydrotherapy promotes the normal secretion of hormones, strengthens the function of reproductive organs and improves the quality of family life.
Whole Body Massage
Hundred thousands of small energy bubbles press and stimulate the whole body every second massaging 320 acupoints across the body. Relieves tension and fatigue, relaxes and balances, massages the backbone and encourages the production of red blood cell, white blood cells, etc., just like to have "hydro acupuncture". Internal organs are stimulated, blood and lymph circulation are facilitated and muscles are relaxed. Giving a full body massage, this treatment burns fat, eliminates flabby tissue, improves the bust line, shapes the body and fills the user with confidence.
Deep Cleansing
Powerful bubbles clean 1.5 million capillaries in the skin, bringing intense nourishment. Allows skin tissues to breathe better. Body generates 0.05 sq m of dirt every day. SG-2000 home spa takes about 5 min to loosen grease and 1 week of continuous use will complete the whole cleansing process.
Exercise & Leisure
Ultrasonic bath produce 10,000~15,000 micro-tremors per second (1.5kg/cm2 on the skin), has the effect of a complete body workout. Experts believe that the effect of 15 minutes of ultrasonic bath is equivalent to 3 to 5 km run. Provides effective passive exercise. It doubles up as a spa for a lazy man’s exercise machine.
Whitening and Slimming
Removes dead skin cells and ozone kills germs and whitens skin. Every min. a million bubbles provide beauty treatment of slimming professional standard for every inch of your skin. After using for 15 min. 300-500 calories were burnt – an effortless way to have fairer complexion and slimmer body.
Program Franchise Spa Kesihatan
Franchise Program. Peluang memiliki Spa Sendiri
Disamping memiliki spa untuk kegunaan sendiri dan keluarga, anda juga berpeluang menjalankan perniagaan sendiri dengan memberi servis kepada yg ingin mencuba mandian berkualiti dan terbukti secara klinikal ini. Setiap mandian dikenakan RM35 (dicadangkan)
Sila emailkan ke untuk sebut harga terkini termasuk kos pemasangan (pemanas air dan copper piping, bath tub.. dll)
anda boleh terus menjalankan bisnes spa ini tanpa sebarang kesulitan.
Sila hubungi untuk temujanji. Terima kasih
Disamping memiliki spa untuk kegunaan sendiri dan keluarga, anda juga berpeluang menjalankan perniagaan sendiri dengan memberi servis kepada yg ingin mencuba mandian berkualiti dan terbukti secara klinikal ini. Setiap mandian dikenakan RM35 (dicadangkan)
Sila emailkan ke untuk sebut harga terkini termasuk kos pemasangan (pemanas air dan copper piping, bath tub.. dll)
anda boleh terus menjalankan bisnes spa ini tanpa sebarang kesulitan.
Sila hubungi untuk temujanji. Terima kasih
What is Hydrotherapy?
Hydrotherapy, formerly called hydropathy involves the use of water for pain-relief and treating illness. The term hydrotherapy itself is synonymous with the term water cure as it was originally marketed by practitioners and promoters in the 1800s. A hydrotherapist therefore, is someone who practices hydrotherapy.
Water cure has since come to have two opposing definitions, which can cause confusion.
(a) Water cure therapy – a course of medical treatment by hydrotherapy
(b) water cure torture – a form of torture in which a person is forced to drink large quantities of water.
The sense used in this article is the first one, synonymous with the term hydrotherapy, and which precedes recorded use of the second sense.
Hydrotherapy in general encompases a range of approaches and their definitions. These range from approaches and definitions which are either naturally distinct, or made so for marketing purposes, to approaches and definitions which overlap significantly, and which can be difficult to disentangle.
One such overlap pertains to spas. According to the International SPA Association (ISPA), hydrotherapy has long been a staple in European spas. It's the generic term for water therapies using jets, underwater massage and mineral baths (e.g. balneotherapy, Iodine-Grine therapy, Kneipp treatments, Scotch hose, Swiss shower, thalassotherapy) and others. It also can mean a whirlpool bath, hot Roman bath, hot tub, Jacuzzi, cold plunge and mineral bath. These treatments use physical water properties, such as temperature and pressure, for therapeutic purposes, to stimulate blood circulation and treat the symptoms of certain diseases.
Water cure has since come to have two opposing definitions, which can cause confusion.
(a) Water cure therapy – a course of medical treatment by hydrotherapy
(b) water cure torture – a form of torture in which a person is forced to drink large quantities of water.
The sense used in this article is the first one, synonymous with the term hydrotherapy, and which precedes recorded use of the second sense.
Hydrotherapy in general encompases a range of approaches and their definitions. These range from approaches and definitions which are either naturally distinct, or made so for marketing purposes, to approaches and definitions which overlap significantly, and which can be difficult to disentangle.
One such overlap pertains to spas. According to the International SPA Association (ISPA), hydrotherapy has long been a staple in European spas. It's the generic term for water therapies using jets, underwater massage and mineral baths (e.g. balneotherapy, Iodine-Grine therapy, Kneipp treatments, Scotch hose, Swiss shower, thalassotherapy) and others. It also can mean a whirlpool bath, hot Roman bath, hot tub, Jacuzzi, cold plunge and mineral bath. These treatments use physical water properties, such as temperature and pressure, for therapeutic purposes, to stimulate blood circulation and treat the symptoms of certain diseases.
Bagaimana SPA SG-2000 Berfungsi membentuk Ozone,Oksigen,FIR dan Negetif Ion
SG-2000 Merentasi Dunia kerana Keberkesanannya
Hasil Kajian dan Fakta 15 minit mandian SG2000
Luxurious Bubbles 'touches'..Pamper yourself in just 15 minutes SPA
1-4 minutes = Loosen grease/dirt from the whole body,
5-10 minutes = Attract at least to 350 main acupuncture point, open & clean more than 150,000 pores >> Detoxification,
10 minutes = 1 hour Professional Massage,
15 minutes = 3-5km Jogging >> Passive Exercise!
Burned out 300-500 calories per session!
Rejuvenate, boost metabolism & immune system ...and so on...
About SG2000
SG-2000 is a certified medical appliances.
~Safety guaranteed: insured worldwide. Compilance with CSA, CE & DNV.
~High-tech, low-noise processing unit and trouble-free assembly.
~High output: 46 litres of air with ozone and anions (negative ions).
~Flexible mat with ceramic cells: easy to clean and fits all bath tubs.
~Modern design: sleek and durable.
~Equipped with timer and intensity control.
~Easy installation: DIY possible; light and portable.
~Energy saving: 110V/220V selection.
~Economical: 1/4 the price of imported Jacuzzi.
~One year's warranty and lifetime serving.
~Obtained China Patent No. ZL 002171481 & Thailand Patent No.620. Taiwan patent under application.
~Safety guaranteed: insured worldwide. Compilance with CSA, CE & DNV.
~High-tech, low-noise processing unit and trouble-free assembly.
~High output: 46 litres of air with ozone and anions (negative ions).
~Flexible mat with ceramic cells: easy to clean and fits all bath tubs.
~Modern design: sleek and durable.
~Equipped with timer and intensity control.
~Easy installation: DIY possible; light and portable.
~Energy saving: 110V/220V selection.
~Economical: 1/4 the price of imported Jacuzzi.
~One year's warranty and lifetime serving.
~Obtained China Patent No. ZL 002171481 & Thailand Patent No.620. Taiwan patent under application.
Kadar Bayaran Rawatan SPA (Hydrotherapy + Aromatherapy)
1) 1 x rawatan mandi SPA selama 20 minit = RM30.00
2) Pakej SPA - 6 x rawatan mandi SPA selama 20 minit satu sesi = RM150 + 1 x mandian PERCUMA
~Mandian ini sesuai untuk semua peringkat umur termasuk bayi 6 bulan keatas.
~Tiada kesan sampingan kerana rawatan 100% berasaskan sumber semulajadi iaitu air, ozon, FIR dan limpahan oksigen yang sama seperti berada di dlm hutan hujan tropika.
Sila lihat diruangan "Kebaikan Mandian Spa SG2000" untuk maklumat terperinci.
Hubungi Pemilik/Pengurus D'Laman SPA untuk temujanji dan tempahan mandian;
~ Izral, hp: 012-3643643
2) Pakej SPA - 6 x rawatan mandi SPA selama 20 minit satu sesi = RM150 + 1 x mandian PERCUMA
~Mandian ini sesuai untuk semua peringkat umur termasuk bayi 6 bulan keatas.
~Tiada kesan sampingan kerana rawatan 100% berasaskan sumber semulajadi iaitu air, ozon, FIR dan limpahan oksigen yang sama seperti berada di dlm hutan hujan tropika.
Sila lihat diruangan "Kebaikan Mandian Spa SG2000" untuk maklumat terperinci.
Hubungi Pemilik/Pengurus D'Laman SPA untuk temujanji dan tempahan mandian;
~ Izral, hp: 012-3643643
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